
University of North Dakota (Grand Forks, ND) - Prospective Distance Engineering Degree Program(DEDP) Students

University of North Dakota   
Prospective Distance Engineering Degree Program(DEDP) Students

The College of Engineering and Mines as of now offers five of our designing degree programs (concoction, common, electrical, mechanical and petroleum) through a separation conveyance mode called our Distance Engineering Degree Program (DEDP). 

Our DEDP conveyance mode offers non-conventional building understudies a chance to finish a large portion of their college degree coursework in our authorize undergrad designing projects through the web. Understudies are required to finish their research center prerequisites through quickened summer courses at UND. 

Since our DEDP understudies encounter the same addresses and coursework necessities as our on grounds understudies, we consider this training knowledge to be basically comparable. 

Application Process 

Before acknowledgment to the Distance Engineering Degree Program (DEDP), you must be acknowledged to UND. It would be ideal if you finish the UND Undergraduate application. 

The due date for acknowledgment of understudies for Fall or Summer enlistment is February 1. The due date for acknowledgment of Spring enlistment is September 1. 

In the event that you were acknowledged after the due date for the term showed on your application, you will be confessed to start taking semester-based courses amid the consequent term. 

If it's not too much trouble take note of that the exchange assessment procedure can take 4-8 weeks in the wake of being acknowledged to UND. Subsequently, it is firmly prescribed that you start the application process no less than a few months preceding the application due date for the sought semester.


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