
Dartmouth College (Hanover, NH) - Anthropology

Seat: Sienna R. Craig 

Educators: D. F. Eickelman, S. A. Kan, D. L. Nichols; Associate Professors: S. R. Craig, N. J. Dominy, L.A. Ogden, J. M. Watanabe; Adjunct Assistant Professors: E. Woodworker Song; Visiting Professor: W. Fitzhugh; Visiting Assistant Professors: A. Armbrecht, K. Bauer, N. 

Samin, A. Veile; The Robert A. 1925 and Catherine L. McKennan Postdoctoral Fellows: C. L. Kivland, B. Valentine; Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow: D. M. Banerjee; Neukom Fellow: K. Schroer; Lecturers: S. Nozawa, V. Venkataraman; Emeriti Professors: H. Alverson, K. Endicott; Emeritus Associate Professor: K. Korey 

Counsel the Departmental Administrator, Thérèse Périn-Deville, for additional data. 

To view Anthropology courses, click here. 

Prerequisites for the Major 

The real comprises of ten courses, to be chosen as takes after: 

ANTH 1 or ANTH 3. 

No less than one course from each of the accompanying four branches of knowledge: archaic exploration, one territory course in social human studies, one topical course in social human sciences (if ANTH 1 is taken in satisfaction of necessity 1), and natural human sciences (these territories are shown as ARCH, TOPICAL, AREA, or BIOL in every course depiction). Topical replaces "ethnology" (ETHN) and zone replaces "society" (CULT) in past variants, 

Any six extra courses (five if ANTH 1 is taken in satisfaction of necessity 1) from among the division's offerings. 

A coming full circle experience is required for the major and must be fulfilled by finishing of a Culminating Seminar chose from one of the accompanying territories: social human studies (73), prehistoric studies (75), or organic human sciences (77), to be taken as one of the ten courses required for the major. 

Insights: All human studies majors are urged to take a course in measurements. Understudies who plan to embrace free research, particularly in archaic exploration and organic human sciences, and any understudy considering going to master's level college in human sciences ought to take no less than one measurements course: e.g., GOVT 10, MSS 15, PSYC 10, SOCY 10. 

Adjusted Major: The Modified Major comprises of seven courses in human studies, one of which must be a coming full circle workshop and another of which will typically be ANTH 1 or ANTH 3, in addition to four courses over the essential level in one or more different department(s) or program(s). The 11 courses must frame a bound together, rational system of study. Understudies wishing to change their Anthropology significant must present a composed reason that clarifies the soundness and motivation behind their adjusted major. This method of reasoning can be marked by any workforce in the Anthropology office, and must be submitted with the real card to the Registr
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