
Art, Art History and Visual Studies - Duke University United State

Art, Art History and Visual Studies

For more information contact
Director of Graduate Studies
Department of Art, Art History and Visual Studies
Duke University
Box 90764
Durham, NC 27708-0764

(919) 684-2224

Email: wharton@duke.edu


General Information 

Degree offered: Ph.D. Staff working with understudies: 16 Students: 45 Spring Application: No Part time study accessible: No Test required: GRE General Application Deadline 

Program Description 

The system, which is intended for a little gathering of understudies, underscores the investigation of craftsmanship, building design and visual society inside of a hypothetical and chronicled outline. The Department of Art, Art History and Visual Studies offers an interdisciplinary system of graduate study prompting the Ph.D. (no M.A. is advertised). We welcome applications from committed understudies inspired by professions in exploration, feedback, educating, and gallery work. Affirmation is very focused and constrained to a normal of six new understudies for each year. The Department tries to offer full FUNDING to all conceded hopefuls. Understudies are prepared for serving so as to educate as graders and instructing associates. Duke University is currently in the bleeding edge of scholarly organizations supporting interdisciplinary and hypothetical activities in the humanities. Workmanship History and Visual Studies have an interesting commitment to make to these endeavors and all individuals from the workforce are occupied with creative showing or research ventures including staff from different offices and projects. All individuals from the graduate personnel group show courses or have courses cross-recorded in different offices (African and African-American Studies, Asian Studies, Classical Studies, Economics, Literature, Germanic Languages and Literature, Religion) or projects (Documentary Studies, Women's Studies, International Comparative Studies, Medieval and Renaissance Studies). Understudies may pick a minor field outside the division. The office lives up to expectations helpfully with the workmanship history program at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and with the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh. 

The division additionally takes an interest in a system with the Law School prompting joint J.D./M.A. degrees. For data on the J.D./M.A. project, please visit the departmental site at http://aahvs.duke.edu/graduate/jd-mama or send email to DeptAAH@duke.edu .


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