
Electrician Apprenticeship - Gateway Community College

Electrical work includes the establishment and support of within wiring for lighting and dispersion frameworks in private, modern and advertisements structures.

Specialists for the most part concentrate on two territories of this field: development and support. Work settings fluctuate, and circuit testers are frequently independently employed.

An effective circuit tester needs legitimate preparing, a great feeling of equalization, dexterity, physical wellness and a strong hard working attitude. Experienced circuit repairmen can get to be administrators, venture directors or directors in the development field.

Degrees and Certificates 

Partner in Applied Science Degree in Construction Trades: Electricity

Authentication of Completion in Construction Trades: Electricity

Work Outlook 

For data about professions in your general vicinity of study, visit O*NET OnLine for nitty gritty sets of responsibilities, instruction prerequisites, pay and job pattern data.


Accreditation is a procedure used to quantify and confirm the validity and nature of administrations offered by an association.

Door is licensed by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

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