
College of the Ozarks (Point Lookout, MO) -Biblical and Theological Studies

Hard Work U

Biblical and Theological Studies

Whether understudies are looking to serve in Christian camps, urban services, neighborhood places of worship, outside nations, or go ahead to master's level college, the Biblical and Theological Studies (BTS) division at College of the Ozarks tries to plan majors and minors for a confidence filled future in life and service. Established in a profound comprehension the Bible, the BTS office champions the Christian Goal of the school, "To cultivate the Christian confidence through the coordination of confidence with encouraging so as to learn, living, and administration" understudies to develop in their insight into Scripture and perceive the Lordship of Jesus in each territory of life. 

The division offers a noteworthy in Biblical and Theological Studies with accentuations in Biblical Studies, Christian Ministry, or Philosophy. A few understudies may crave a noteworthy outside of the BTS office however realize that they need to be included with the congregation and Christian service for whatever is left of their lives. For these understudies, the division offers three minors under the same titles as the accentuations above, which give an imperative introduction to dependable administration in the congregation at any level. 

Understudies in the BTS division have the chance to take courses that emphasis on Scripture translation, Old and New Testament, Greek and Hebrew, church history, Christian otherworldly existence, Systematic Theology, Practcal Theology, the life of Jesus, the inspiration of Christian missions, and numerous others. Courses are taught by an accomplished and peaceful workforce prepared in some the country's driving religious establishments. With years of showing and neighborhood church encounter, the workforce appreciates assisting understudies with observing God's calling upon their lives, and how their God-given aptitudes and interests play out in the Lord's superb arrangement of reclaiming the world!


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