
University of Arkansas (Fayetteville, AR) - Special Education

Social Ecology
Social Ecology concentrates on the courses in which institutional and societal structures show and propagate social shamefulness and ecological effects. 

Prescott College can work with staff from our accomplice Institute for Social Ecology and take an interest in the Institute's exercises as a piece of their Master's degree. 

You will join our understudies who build basic proposals that consolidate key ideas from the fields of theory, science, governmental issues, and social biology on various points, for example, nourishment creation, elective advancements, and urban outline. 

Our understudies' catalyzed developments challenge worldwide shameful acts and a mixture of unsustainable innovations by offering participatory, group based choices. Prescott College understudies, in a joint effort with the Institute, endeavor to be operators of social change, showing the abilities, thoughts, and connections that sustain dynamic, self-represented, sound groups. 

Restricted Residency Bachelor of Arts 

Prescott College's dedication to understudy focused, experiential learning incorporates an admiration for the grown-up understudy's former learning, whether that learning happened in non-school settings, perceived Massive Open Online Courses, or in expanded, requesting proficient encounters. 

After the first semester, Limited-Residency and On-Campus college understudies may apply to start a procedure in which they report and demand evaluation of their former learning with a specific end goal to gain Prescott College credits. This procedure is known as Prior Learning Assessment (PLA).


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