
Sociology - Whitman College

Social science courses manage the structure and working of social orders, the nature of social cooperation, the relationship between the individual and society, and the way of progress in human social orders.

An understudy who enters Whitman with no former school level readiness in human science will need to finish 36 credits to satisfy the prerequisites for the humanism major.

Dissemination: Courses finished in humanism apply to the sociologies and social pluralism (chose courses) circulation territories, with the exception of Sociology 208, which might likewise apply to quantitative examination.

Learning Goals: Upon graduation, an understudy will have the capacity to:

Real Specific Areas of Knowledge 

Comprehend the order of human science, depict how it contrasts from and is like other sociologies, portray how it adds to an aesthetic sciences comprehension of social reality, characterize and apply the sociological creative ability, sociological standards, and ideas to life. Comprehend the part of hypothesis in human science, characterize, think about, and contrast hypothetical introductions, apply hypothesis to social reality, demonstrate how speculations mirror the verifiable setting of the times and societies in which they were created. Characterize, give cases of, and exhibit the significance of society, social change, socialization, stratification, social structure, organizations, and contrasts by race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, and class. Depict importance of varieties by race, class, sexual orientation, and age, and know how to properly sum up or oppose speculation crosswise over gatherings.

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