
Biology - Northwestern College

Solid in science. That depicts our science educators and understudies. It additionally portrays their gallant way to deal with investigating territories of experimental request that may prompt a greater number of inquiries than answers. Contemplating science with educators who are submitted Christians will set you up to convey your confidence to the mind boggling research and moral inquiries confronting today's researchers. 

Scholarly projects 

Northwestern's science division is perceived by Rugg's Recommendations on the Colleges as a top program that pulls in top understudies. Investigate programs 


Northwestern's science staff incorporate specialists in avian and stream nature, formative science, hereditary qualities, neurobiology and pharmacology. Investigate personnel 


Hands-on encounters and inquire about open doors for Northwestern science majors incorporate involvement with a human dead body, field research in the school's timberland and prairie, cooperative exploration with a teacher, and off-grounds study through the AuSable Institute or Creation Care Study Program.


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