
Healthcare Administration - Felician College

Four year education in science in Healthcare Administration 

Dispatch a profession in human services administration by building up the particular aptitudes and learning to handle the business side of the therapeutic field – something not generally accessible in conventional administration programs. You will find out about the arranging, sorting out, staffing, and controlling of exercises and assets in different sorts of social insurance establishments and organizations.

Dissimilar to clinicians, you won't bargain straightforwardly with patients regularly. Be that as it may, you will serve patients by molding strategy and roll out required improvements to enhance the social insurance framework.

The Healthcare Administration program at Felician University joins claim to fame social insurance courses with center business courses, giving its graduates an exhaustive information of human services administration and center business skills in:

  • Basic Reasoning 
  • Viable Communication 
  • Moral Decision Making 
  • Individual Accountability 
  • Quantitative Reasoning 
  • Cooperation. 

Vocation Opportunities 

In the condition of New Jersey, human services remains the single biggest industry for development as per the Department of Labor. Graduates with a degree in medicinal services organization work in an assortment of settings:

  • Doctor's facility/wellbeing frameworks administration 
  • Therapeutic gatherings 
  • Pharmaceutical/biotechnology organizations 
  • Care administration associations 
  • Wellbeing data innovation firms 
  • Production network organizations 
  • Government/arrangement associations 
  • Venture banks 
  • Wellbeing safety net providers 
  • Social insurance administration counseling firms 
  • Substantial partnerships coordinating their wellbeing and different advantages programs.


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