
Western Governors University

A School Unlike Other Schools

As a competency-based, understudy engaged, on the web, philanthropic college, we do things a bit distinctively at WGU. From the base up, we're planned in view of understudies—especially, the occupied with, working, grown-up understudy who needs to win a lone ranger's or graduate degree however for whom a conventional college training just won't do.

Perused more about our competency-based methodology


A Unique History in Higher Education

WGU has been diverse since the absolute starting point. We were composed in 1995 by 19 U.S. governors whose driving objective was to think outside the box of conventional advanced education and turn out on the other side with something new, something inventive: something that saddles innovation to instruct in new routes, concentrates on measuring adapting as opposed to time, and gives more Americans the chance to assemble their vocations and better their lives by at long last completing that lone wolf's or graduate degree they have to accomplish their objectives.

View the WGU Timeline of the initial 15 years

At the Heart of It All, Our Mission:

The central mission of Western Governors University is to enhance quality and extend access to post-optional instructive open doors by giving a way to people to learn autonomous of time or put and to procure competency-based degrees and different qualifications that are sound to both scholarly foundations and manager

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