
History Department - University of Nebraska (Lincoln, NE)

Examining history sets you up for whatever way you may pick. By taking a gander at humankind's past you will figure out how discover answers all alone, translate and assess cases, collect data, and impart what you've realized through composing and talking. Such aptitudes will make you a deep rooted learner who can adjust and create, both professionally and by and by. 

Our degree in history adds to understudies' capacities to get some information about the past, gather applicable data to answer such inquiries, decipher and study sources, compose viably and shrewdly about the consequences of their examination, and draw in others with the aftereffects of their learning. 

Majors and Minors 

History (B.A.,B.S.): Courses are offered in Global, U.S., European, Latin American, and Asian history, with central focuses on sex, African American, Native American, East Asian, ecological, social, and therapeutic topics. 

Courses underline drawing in understudies in the hands-on quest for history through examination, field excursions to memorable locales, administration learning ventures, and also accentuating the obtaining of information through the investigation of essential sources. Understudies have adaptability in picking courses, as over a large portion of the courses they take are elective, permitting them to tweak their major. 

See all degree necessities. 

Concentrate Abroad 

The History Department urges understudies to concentrate abroad. In numerous occurrences this study is consolidated with dialect learning. It likewise gives understudies the chance to study history where it happened, and add to an expansiveness of experience which is vital to compelling authentic examination.


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