
theater studies - Duke University in United State

Real Requirements 

Our educational modules joins scholarly courses in sensational writing and theater expressions with interest in the creations of plays from the at various times. Notwithstanding the real necessities beneath, we urge you to consider autonomous study and research opportunities, worldwide instruction, and graduation with unique excellence. 

Required: 10 theater studies courses 

  • THEATRST 115 The Theater Today 
  • THEATRST 145S Acting 
  • THEATRST 255S Directing 
  • THEATRST 280S Dramatic Writing 
  • THEATRST 190S-1 Special Topics in Reading Theater OR THEATRST 239AS Theater in London: Text 

One configuration class, chose from the accompanying: 

  • THEATRST 261S Costume Design OR 
  • THEATRST 262S Scene Design OR 
  • THEATRST 263S Lighting Design OR 
  • THEATRST 390S-3 Special Topics in Design 

Three elective courses from theater thinks about, at the 100-level or above. 

Elective course determination can be your decision OR satisfy the prerequisites of an Area of Specialization: 

  • Basic Studies in Theater and Performance 
  • Emotional Writing 
  • Acting 
  • Outline 
  • Dramaturgy and Directing


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