

History of Art Major Program 
The History of Art major is expected to give understudies solid building up in the innovative traditions, practices, and settings that incorporate recorded and contemporary visuality. Generally as it exhibits the discipline's history, strategies, and reasonable dialogs. It gets prepared understudies to self-sufficient examination, to survey confirmation, to make keen and oversaw conflicts, and to make aptitudes in educational piece. In a movement of logically connected with courses—lower division, upper division, workshop, and regards program—the significant gives a design to understudies to make sense of how to inspect and interpret visual, material, and printed confirmation from specific social settings and certain circumstances. Genuine necessities are similarly expected to grow prologue to differing bona fide periods, topographical zones, and subjects, while 

allowing versatility for understudies to look for after specific leisure activities in a focal point of study. 

Reporting the Major 

To report the critical in the History of Art Department, an understudy must complete two courses taught in the division and get an assessment of C-or higher in each course. Each and every resulting cours an understudy wishes to apply to the noteworthy must furthermore get an assessment of C-or higher. Once these prerequisites are met, understudies may formally engage declare the major by making a meeting with a student staff expert at whatever point in the midst of the fall and spring semesters. (Understudies in home at UC Berkeley are solidly requested that complete all lower division necessities and one upper division course before the end of their sophomore year. 

Majors who report early, especially in the sophomore 

year, value a couple of central focuses 

1. A more cautious making arrangements for workshops and time to focus more almost with a couple of people from the workforce. 

2. More essential versatility in sorting out critical requirements with College of Letters & Science (L&S) necessities and in masterminding a game plan of courses that considers one of a kind courses or undertakings of study, e.g., think abroad, curatorial passage level positions, free study, a twofold foremost, and the qualifications program. 

3. Time for an all around more hoisted measure of study in the senior year, and opportunity to attempt diverse things with and arrangement for grouped occupation opportunit


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