
Eastern Mennonite University - Business and Economics

Business and Economics

At EMU we set you up to be fruitful, to advance the benefit of all and to be a dynamic pioneer in today's commercial center. Our educators will assist you with expanding your business information, learn imperative hands-on abilities, and build up a qualities based way to deal with business and administration. 

Our graduates comprehend the estimation of individuals in business, and know how essential addressing financial need is to the world's condition and the peacebuilding procedure. We're focused on greatness, morals and social equity, and we energize study crosswise over teaches, an emphasis on maintainability, and the advancement of a worldwide point of view. At EMU you'll: 

study in a diverse setting 

consider supportability and stewardship in choice making 

COLLABORATEon unique examination with personnel with industry experience 

put your classroom figuring out how to use in off grounds temporary positions 

figure out how to function adequately in groups and sharpen COMMUNICATION and money related aptitudes 

gain from teachers who've lived and worked globally 

Around 90% of the 2012 graduates who reacted to our overview were utilized full-time, in graduate school, or serving in a volunteer/mission position inside of one year of graduation. EMU business graduated class reliably rank high on broadly institutionalized business exams, with numerous seeking after graduate degrees in their majors. 

Another study proposes that business organization is one of the five most employable majors. Perused the article here. 

Program News 

Eastern Mennonite University invites twelve new employees for 2015-2016 scholarly year 

August 28th, 2015 

Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) invites 12 new personnel to the positions for the 2015-16 scholarly year. The new workforce, reported by Fred Kniss, executive; Michael King, VP and theological college senior member; Deirdre Smeltzer, VP and undergrad scholarly dignitary; and Jim Smucker, VP and senior member of graduate and expert studies are: Abigail Berkey, PhD, 

Jordan Hollinger, now living up to expectations in the sunlight based industry, sees his undergrad examination distributed in SolarToday magazine 

August third, 2015 

Late graduate Jordan Hollinger found his fantasy work in vitality and natural strategy, after an undergrad entry level position that included teacher guided examination on the neighborhood monetary effects of Eastern Mennonite University's sun based vitality establishment. Hollinger really landed his position before he graduated, moving to the Washington D.C. territory in the mid year of 2014. He completed his


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