
Mathematics Minor - Northwestern College

Galileo said that "arithmetic is the dialect with which God has composed the universe." Our science courses are generally proposed to create and hone your aptitudes in this dialect; with numerical comprehension comes an expanded consciousness of and gratefulness for the characteristic request behind God's creation. 

Arithmetic has long been viewed as a characteristic part of an aesthetic sciences training on account of its emphatically investigative, critical thinking accentuation. As of late, there has been expanded acknowledgment of the significance of arithmetic in the occupation market; in a mechanical society, entryways are regularly shut to employment seekers with an inadequate science foundation. On the off chance that you covet numerical planning for a profession in industry, investigative exploration, designing or training, you're very much encouraged to consider a math real or numerous courses in science. In case you're occupied with designing, you can take a pre-building project of a few year length of time at Northwestern before exchanging to a building school to finish you're preparing.


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