
5 Financial Questions to Ask Before Getting an Online Degree - UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKERLEY

Online understudies have a hefty portion of the same cost, monetary guide and understudy advance questions​ as their partners going to block and-mortar schools.

Be that as it may, some one of a kind cash inquiries might emerge also.

"There are unquestionably a couple of regulations that online understudies ought to comprehend going into the procedure, given that so a significant number of them are working grown-ups, who go to school low maintenance," said Susan Aldridge, president of Drexel University Online, in an email.

For instance, enlisting in less than six credits or taking a semester or two off may influence help or trigger advance reimbursement, says Aldridge.

[Find out how to decode the genuine expense of your online degree.]

Different inquiries might emerge about how the system handles monetary guide or exchanges scholarly credits.

The following are five cash addresses that understudies ought to ask before seeking after an online degree.

Answers have been altered for length and clarity.

Deana Coady, VP of understudy monetary guide for Apollo Education Group Inc., guardian organization of Western International University and University of Phoenix

What is this degree going to cost me, and how am I going to pay for it? In case you're talking with a school delegate who can't obviously give you the expense of the project, I'd propose hanging up the telephone. What's more, don't simply think about expense more than one year. You need to take a gander at the whole experience as you would with a home or an auto. Comprehend what it'll cost you over the life of that program and consider credits a an investment.

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