
Chemistry - Grayson College

Program Description 

Science is the investigation of the properties, the creation, and the structure of matter, the physical and concoction transforms it experiences, and the vitality freed or assimilated amid those progressions. The Science Department offers a system prompting an Associate of Science degree with an accentuation in Chemistry. Required courses and research center guideline in this system furnish the understudy with the initial two years of science and related courses required for admission to unhitched male's significant projects. This system likewise gives a strong establishment in science important for admission to expert projects and for livelihood in science related ranges. 

Program Mission Statement 

The mission of the Chemistry staff at Grayson College is to empower understudy accomplishment by giving quality direction in an expansive educational modules that backings college exchange and specialized training. 

Program Philosophy 

The Chemistry program empowers the advancement of deep rooted learners by underscoring improvement of transferable aptitudes, including cooperation, composed correspondence and basic considering. 

Confirmation Information and Criteria 

  • Grayson College requires a secondary school certificate or equal. 
  • Understudies must show school preparation in perusing and science. 
  • MATH 1314 (or equal arrangement) is a pre-essential for all science courses. 
  • Work Outlook and Growth 
  • Most occupations in innovative work require significant specialized training past secondary school up to a doctorate degree; opportunities exist, in any case, for persons with a 2-year partner degree. Source: U.S. Branch of Labor Occupational Outlook Handbook 2014 - 2015 

Degree Plan 

View the degree plan to see what courses will be taken.


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