
biology - Duke University in United State

Majors and the Minor 
The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in science is the human sciences real program, fitting for understudies arranging a profession in law, arrangement, or optional school educating. It requires math and science just through Calculus I and early on science. Two semesters of starting science and eight upper-level courses are required. The upper-level courses incorporate courses in particular territories, and elective courses in science and related natural sciences. 

The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in science is the degree prescribed for understudies mulling over a profession in natural or biomedical sciences. The B.S. degree requires either Calculus II or insights, natural science, and material science corequisites. Two semesters of early on science and eight upper-level courses are required. The upper-level courses incorporate courses in particular territories, and also elective courses in science and related organic sciences.

women's studies - Duke University in United State


To finish a noteworthy in ladies' studies, an understudy must take at least ten courses. There are two required courses: 

  • Thinking Gender: An Introduction to Feminist Theory (WST 199S) 
  • Senior Seminar (WST 499S) 

Four courses from the center courses rundown are required: 

  • 360S. Women's activist Activism, Social Movements 
  • 361 Money, Sex, Power 
  • 361S Money, Sex, Power 
  • 362 Gender and Popular Culture 
  • 362S. Sex and Popular Culture 
  • 363S. Deciphering Bodies: Identity and Beyond 
  • 364S. Race, Gender, and Sexuality 
  • 365 Gender and Political Theory 
  • 366S. Nature, Culture and Gender 
  • 367S. Women's activist Ethics 
  • 368S. Sex, Sexuality and Human Rights 
  • 369S. Transnational Feminism 
  • 370S. Eccentric Theory 
  • 371S. Sex, Sexuality and the Image 

The staying four courses are electives and may be browsed other Women's Studies offerings. 

Understudies may take close to two autonomous study courses, which must be affirmed by the Director of Undergraduate Studies. What's more, understudies may request of for credit for courses offered in different offices and projects with clear documentation of their scholarly esteem to the general objectives of the major. 

Graduation with Distinction 
Graduation with Distinction undertaking timetable 


To finish a mino in Women's Studies, understudies must finish five courses. There is one required course: 
Thinking Gender: An Introduction to Feminist Theory (WST 199S)

theater studies - Duke University in United State

Real Requirements 

Our educational modules joins scholarly courses in sensational writing and theater expressions with interest in the creations of plays from the at various times. Notwithstanding the real necessities beneath, we urge you to consider autonomous study and research opportunities, worldwide instruction, and graduation with unique excellence. 

Required: 10 theater studies courses 

  • THEATRST 115 The Theater Today 
  • THEATRST 145S Acting 
  • THEATRST 255S Directing 
  • THEATRST 280S Dramatic Writing 
  • THEATRST 190S-1 Special Topics in Reading Theater OR THEATRST 239AS Theater in London: Text 

One configuration class, chose from the accompanying: 

  • THEATRST 261S Costume Design OR 
  • THEATRST 262S Scene Design OR 
  • THEATRST 263S Lighting Design OR 
  • THEATRST 390S-3 Special Topics in Design 

Three elective courses from theater thinks about, at the 100-level or above. 

Elective course determination can be your decision OR satisfy the prerequisites of an Area of Specialization: 

  • Basic Studies in Theater and Performance 
  • Emotional Writing 
  • Acting 
  • Outline 
  • Dramaturgy and Directing

history - Duke University in United State

Minor in History 

The history minor offers understudies spend significant time in another office or program the chance to enhance their studies with an authentic point of view. 

Required: 5 Courses 

To procure a minor, you must take at least five history courses, no less than three of which must be at the 200-level or above. Cross-recorded courses are adequate paying little heed to the office through which the understudy enlists. 

Extra Information 
  • Courses taken pass/fizzle and Advanced Placement credits don't number toward the minor. 
  • One exchange course may tally toward the necessities for the minor. 
  • Why minor ever? 

Individual Importance of a College Minor 

Having a minor may be by and by critical to you in the event that you minor in a subject that you are enthusiastic about. You might likewise be by and by intrigued by picking up abilities and preparing in a sure field however not inspired by seeking after the theme to the degree that a noteworthy would require. 

Proficient Importance of a College Minor 

Professionally talking, minors can be an incredible help. You may require extra preparing for a profession way that a minor can give. You might likewise need to enhance your resume by taking courses and accepting preparing in a field you know businesses are constantly inspired by. You might need to supplement one piece of your scholastic preparing with another that will be give both down to earth and hypothetical learning. (For instance, you may be majoring in business administration yet minoring in ladies' studies on the off chance that you need to work in a non-benefit that spotlights on ladies' issues.) Additionally, you may be keen on instructing, in which case a minor can prove to be useful for growing what branches of knowledge you're permitted to educate.

ROMANCE STUDIES - Duke University in United State

Individual Importance of a College Minor 

Having a minor may be by and by imperative to you in the event that you minor in a subject that you are energetic about. You might likewise be by and by keen on picking up aptitudes and preparing in a sure field however not inspired by seeking after the subject to the degree that a noteworthy would require. 

Proficient Importance of a College Minor 

Professionally talking, minors can be an extraordinary help. You may require extra preparing for a profession way that a minor can give. You might likewise need to enhance your resume by taking courses and getting preparing in a field you know businesses are constantly inspired by. You might need to supplement one piece of your scholastic preparing with another that will be give both down to earth and hypothetical information. (For instance, you may be majoring in business administration however minoring in ladies' studies on the off chance that you need to work in a non-benefit that spotlights on ladies' issues.) Additionally, you may be keen on instructing, in which case a minor can prove to be useful for extending what branches of knowledge you're permitted to educate.

Electrical and Computer Engineering - Duke University in United State

Our undergrad educational modules is intended for the understudy who wishes to seek after a wide scope of musical hobbies inside of the connection of a human sciences instruction. Accentuation is given to an assortment of musical orders, including sythesis, hypothesis, execution, ethnomusicology, and musicology (music history). The music major is planned not just to set you up for graduate work in music grant, execution, or organization, additionally to offer a strong establishment in a standout amongst the most antiquated and all inclusive of the aesthetic sciences. Note the timetable for certain required courses. 

Necessities – 10 Courses 

Notwithstanding the general necessities of the University as sketched out in the Bulletin of Undergraduate Instruction, an understudy wishing to graduate as a music major with an A.B. (Four year education in liberal arts) degree must finish the accompanying courses in the Department of Music: 

The music major requires 10 full course credits, no less than 8 of which must be at the 100-level or above (barring MUSIC 115S, 116S, 117, 120, 126, 140, 161, 161-1, 171, 172, 176, 190S, and 190FS), or more study in connected music (see underneath.) 


MUSIC 261: Theory and Practice of Tonal Music I 

NOTE: MUSIC 161 may be taken first as a medicinal course for understudies with lacking foundation, yet it doesn't check toward the major. 

Course Requirements 

MUSIC 361: Theory and Practice of Tonal Music II 
MUSIC 461: Theory and Practice of Tonal Music III 
MUSIC 255S: Music History I Medieval and Renaissance (finishing before 1600) 
MUSIC 256S: Music History II (1600-Mozart) 
MUSIC 257: Music History III (Beethoven through WWI) 
MUSIC 258: Music History IV (Post-WWI through the presen

Economics - Duke University in United State

Understudies may choose to satisfy either the necessities as stipulated in the Bulletin of Undergraduate Instruction for the term in which they registered, or the prerequisites in actuality for their graduation term. 

Significant Requirement Worksheets: 
  • BS Major Worksheet 
  • Account Concentration Worksheet 
  • Stomach muscle Major Worksheet 

MINOR Requirement Worksheets: 
  • Financial matters Minor Worksheet 
  • Account Minor Worksheet 

Regular Electives by Field Area 

In the event that you are occupied with a specific region of Economics, the Economics Non-Core Courses by General Area worksheet highlights well known electives in each of the accompanying general regions: 

  • Macroeconomics 
  • Microeconomics 
  • History 
  • Account 

Declarations for Economics Majors 

Impact of New Course Numbers on Econ Majors and Minors 

The Econ Department as of late renumbered courses furthermore made a few acclimations to the major and minor necessities. These progressions, be that as it may, influence individuals who registered BEFORE the Fall 2012 semester just insignificantly. Here are the principle things to recall: 

In the event that you registered BEFORE Fall 2012 

1. Any course that already considered an elective toward the significant or minor will keep on checking toward the real or minor. At the end of the day, any course that had a 100-299 number (with the exemptions of 151 and 182) preceding renumbering, and any exchange course that got a 999 number before renumbering, will in any case tally, regardless of when you take the course.

Dance - Duke University in United State

The Duke Dance Program educational modules is intended to empower the investigation of move from interdisciplinary points of view: authentic, social, stylish, abstract, mechanical, musical, logical and imaginative. Understudies can tweak their undergrad move educational programs by picking one of the three study focuses. 

Four year certification in liberal arts in Dance Requirements: 

  • 10 scholastic course credits 
  • 4 half-credit strategy and execution credits 
  • 20 hours of team and creation support 

Download: Dance Major Worksheet 

Scholastic Course Credits: 10 Course Credits 

DANCE101 Introduction to Dance or DANCE165 Let's Dance! Live Art and Performance (1 credit) 
DANCE105S Dance Composition (1 credit) 
DANCE375 Music for Dancers (1 credit) 
DANCE487S Research Methods in Dance (1 credit) 
DANCE489T or 488T Senior Project (1 credit) 

Two course credits in move at the 200 level or above (2 credits). See Courses. 

One credit (one course) in move history, hypothesis or world societies of move, chose from the accompanying: 

DANCE306S Dance for the Camera (1 credit) 
DANCE308 Performance and Technology: Composition Workshop (1 credit) 
DANCE315S History of Modern Dance, 1890-1950 (1 credit) 
DANCE316S Postmodernism in Dance (1 credit) 
DANCE326S The Diaghilev Ballet, 1909-1929 (1 credit) 
DANCE335L West African Rootholds in Dance (1 credit) 
DANCE355 History and Practice of Dance and Theater of India (1 credit) 
DANCE356 Dance and Dance Theater of Asia (1 credit) 
DANCE365L The Art and Cultural History of Flamenco (1 credit) 
DANCE367 Dance and Religion in Asia and Africa (1 credit) 
DANCE368 Gender Performance in Dance and Dance Theater (1 credit) 
DANCE378S Beyond Technique: The Art of Performance (1 credit)

Read more

Computer Science - Duke University in United State

The Department of Computer Science at Duke University is a globally perceived pioneer in examination and training. College understudies at Duke bring classes with famous workforce, are included in front line research, and fabricate a solid establishment for future study or work in a wide assortment of fields. 

Why Computer Science? 

Software engineering is a mentally rich and quickly developing field that has profoundly affected our general public and regular lives. Today, this field keeps on extending in extension and profundity and will remain an energizing work environment and learn in coming years. 

Duke CS understudies have various chances to pick up hands-on involvement in this dynamic field through examination, grant projects, and temporary positions. 

CS majors are popular for well-paying occupations in innovation, science, business, social insurance, and different divisions. 

Why Duke? 

Duke offers a few energizing courses of study for students keen on software engineering: 

The Bachelor of Science (BS) degree is for understudies aiming to proceed with the investigation of software engineering after graduation or who are keen on a thorough and trained way to deal with the major. The BS degree consolidates a top to bottom and far reaching perspective of software engineering with numerical establishments and applications. 

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree is generally sought after alongside another real or minor, for example, Mathematics, Economics, English, Art, or Biology. Notwithstanding center courses, BA majors take an assortment of electives to suit their hobbies. 

The Department offers a BS twofold noteworthy with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering to plan understudies for specialized professions identified with software engineering including counseling, programming, money related, investigative, and creative employments. 

A five course minor in software engineering can be joined with whatever other major at Duke. The specialized and computational aptitudes you'll addition will separate you in whatever field you pick.

Chemistry - Duke University in United State

Course Requirements 

The course prerequisites for the different degrees, fixations, degree tracts, the portrayals of all science courses, and worksheets for the different sorts of science majors are accessible from the present Handbook for Majors. 

Course Scheduling 

The recommended planning of center courses for AB majors and BS majors is accessible in the Handbook for Majors and Potential Majors. Planning of cutting edge courses is muddled by required essentials, as well as by course accessibility. For science majors the most troublesome planning is that for physical science (P-Chem). 

Course Descriptions 

For science course depictions, see the Handbook for Majors. 


Math Introductory material science courses and Chem 301 have a math essential of Math 112L. Math 122L is prescribed, however not required, for Chemistry 301. Science 310 has a required essential of Math 122L. 

Material science Physics 141L and 142L, or 151L and 152L, or 161L and 162L. Majors are unequivocally urged to satisfy this material science essential before taking a physical science course. For those majors who began at natural science as first-year understudies, we prescribe you finish material science amid your sophomore year and deferral physical science until the lesser year. The sophomore year is additionally a decent time to seek after any required science courses and perhaps even Biochemistry 301, however you must have authorization from the course educator for the recent to enlist. Material science exchange courses Course(s) exchanged as Physics 100 may be substituted for required material science courses: Physics 141L, 142L, 151L, 152L, or 161L, 162L, in either the A.B. on the other hand the B.S. science major, gave the material science course(s) are (1) analytics based, (2) taken at a foundation that is authorize by the American Chemical Society, and (3) are the courses which are required for an ACS-ensured degree at that organization. Those majors why should not able complete the material science and/or math essential may ask for consent to take physical science straightforwardly from the physical science course teacher.

Master of Science in Software Engineering - Virginia International University

Expert of Science in Software Engineering 

The Master of Science in Software Engineering (MSE) project gets ready understudies to wind up Software Engineering pioneers. The project instructs understudies to apply software engineering, building, and scientific standards to outline, create, and test programming. The center of the project is fixated on honing so as to figure out how to make proficient judgments fundamental basic speculation aptitudes. 

The MSE system manufactures these reasoning aptitudes through a strong comprehension of standards, hypothetical techniques and devices and an examination of essential programming advancement issues and procedures. Points incorporate building, undertaking administration, quality certification, and database administration frameworks. Teachers with both industry and scholastic foundations give a useful point of view, investigating genuine issues and opportunities with programming escalated frameworks. 

Understudies in the Software Engineering project learn systems to assess, receive and exploit rising advancements and work intimately with kindred programming experts, finishing relevant class assignments in groups. 

Conceivable profession way: Software Engineer, Solutions Architect, Programmer, Technical Systems Analyst, Software Quality Assurance Engineer, Applications Coordinator, Software Architect, Software and Applications Developer.

Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies in Environmental Management - University of Florida (Gainesville, F)

Why an Environmental Management Degree? 

This online natural administration degree gives understudies a strong establishing in the ranges of hydrology, soil science, bother administration, water assets, and agrarian biology so graduates can discover occupations with rural makers, counseling organizations and government offices included in keeping up a manageable situation. 

Understudies can anticipate professions in different fields in the farming, ecological and normal sciences parts, for example, economical nourishment and fiber generation, natural approach and investigation, water assets, vitality assets, soil protection, stewardship of regular assets, contamination administration and universal improvement. 

Notwithstanding finishing all college, school and general degree prerequisites, understudies selected in the Environmental Management system will have the chance to take various center courses, including Natural Resource Policy and Economics, Environmental Nutrient Management and Environmental Biogeochemistry alongside a few endorsed electives, for example, Economics, The World of Water and Environmental Monitoring Techniques.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing - University of Florida (Gainesville, F)

Why pick our RN to BSN program? 

This is the ideal opportunity to get ready for professional success with the UF Online RN to BSN program. Today's perpetually changing social insurance framework values the sound authority of nursing experts. You can get to be one of these pioneers when you win your Bachelor of Science in Nursing from a project that is certify by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. 

Undergrad Catalog 

More data about this major and its courses 

Demand Information 

The UF Online RN to BSN degree project gives an adaptable, reasonable and viable pathway for authorized enlisted medical attendants in Florida to win a propelled degree in the nursing field. 

Intended for working RNs 
Complete coursework 100% online 
Endorsed by the Florida Board of Nursing 
Licensed by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) 
Right now is an ideal opportunity to gain your BSN. Here's the reason. 

You are one of almost 3 million attendants in the workforce today. Did you know 55%* of all RNs hold a four year college education or higher? Your profession is excessively imperative, making it impossible to fall behind, particularly now, with such a great amount of chance not too far off. 

The U.S. Department of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicts that the RN occupation will become about 20% through 2022. What's more, the BLS ventures the requirement for 525,000 substitution medical caretakers, conveying the aggregate of employment opportunities to 1.05 million through 2022. This is the ideal opportunity to get ready for more prominent open door ahead.

Bachelor of Arts in Geography - University of Florida (Gainesville, F)

Why Choose an Online Geography Degree? 

Every spot on earth is recognized by an interesting blend of normal assets, social practices, and financial and political frameworks. Geology is the investigation of both the common occasions and human-made elements that clarify our general surroundings. Geographers study what makes every spot one of a kind, and the associations and cooperations between spots. 

Geology is an exceedingly interdisciplinary division at UF, and a lone ranger's in topography can be a standout amongst the most energizing college degree programs at the college. By looking for your online geology degree, you can gain from incredibly famous personnel and add to momentous exploration, all while examining themes with extraordinary natural and social centrality. UF's geology degree concentrates on key issues inside of the human-natural scene and intends to develop specific abilities that are popular over today's occupation market. 

The UF Online Bachelor of Arts in Geography degree system means to get ready understudies for a vocation in ecological science, urban and territorial arranging, business topography, medicinal geology and geographic training. The online geology degree coursework gives a diagram of the control with a center spotlight on human topography. It additionally tries to get ready understudies for section to doctoral level college in territories, for example, law, business, climatology, ecological science, or general wellbeing. 

Undergrad Catalog 

More data about this major and its courses 

View a Course Sample 

Demand Information 

Understudies can learn vocation prepared aptitudes —, for example, geographic data frameworks (GIS), remote detecting, flying photograph understanding, database taking care of and PC based cartography — that can be utilized as a part of territorial arranging, guide creation and ecological appraisals. 

More reasons why UF is a phenomenal spot to acquire your topography degree .

Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology - University of Florida (Gainesville, F

Why Choose an Online Anthropology Degree? 

Human sciences is a wide, comprehensive field that tries to comprehend individuals, from soonest times to the present. Anthropologists can exceed expectations in government, private business, group associations, training, wellbeing associations, research organizations and the media. As indicated by the U.S. Agency of Labor Statistics, vocation of anthropologists is anticipated to grow 19% through 2022, quicker than the normal for all occupations. 

The UF Online Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology project looks to give an all encompassing understanding that is intelligent of the field itself. We address social and social results from an overall viewpoint. You have the chance to amass your coursework in one of four noteworthy subfields: social human sciences, prehistoric studies, organic humanities and semantics. You can likewise seek after a center in an interdisciplinary track with another real or minor. Of the 120 credits you have to graduate, you must procure 34 credits in human studies coursework. 

Undergrad Catalog 

  • More data about this major and its courses 
  • View a Course Sample 
  • Demand Information 

What would you be able to learn? 

Couple of other online human studies projects can furnish you with a wide based aesthetic sciences training like our own. Not just does our project highlight the limits of the subfields inside of human studies itself, yet we likewise address the orders that adjust to it, for example, science, zoology, political science, law, history and workmanship. You likewise have the chance to center your studies in one of the accompanying four noteworthy subfields:

Master of Education Learning and Technology - Sierra Nevada College (Incline Village, NV)

Degree Overview 

Expert of Education Learning and Technology 

Our online expert's in showing and learning will build up your innovation joining abilities. The M.Ed. in Learning and Technology will upgrade you're showing abilities and expand your innovation reconciliation aptitudes joining instructional configuration standards. You will end up being an innovation and direction master. 

Who the Program Is For: 

Authorized instructors, area innovation organizers, media masters, and corporate mentors who need to expand their innovation joining aptitudes and development their professions. 

People who can commonly burn through 15 or more hours for every week on their studies. 

This system will be adaptable and versatile to your calendar. Click here to figure out how this project functions. 

What You'll Learn 

Fundamental Knowledge and Skills 

You'll turn into a specialist in every aspect of study required to procure your Master of Education in Learning and Technology. The project requires an aggregate of 30 Competency Units (CUs), which are WGU Nevada credit counterparts. 

Key Subject Areas 

  • These Courses Add to Your Credentials 
  • Instructional Design 
  • Research Fundamentals 
  • Innovation Integration 

VIEW THE PROGRAM GUIDE (PDF) View More Details about Your Course of Study 

Capstone Project: 

The Learning and Technology expert's system additionally requires the effective fruition two-section capstone extend: the instructional bundle and the composed capstone report. The instructional bundle ought to incorporate the instructional materials, exercises, and evaluations. The capstone report depicts in subtle element the advancement of the instructional item. Your capstone task is something to be pleased with – it's the summit of all your diligent work. Your last venture permits you to take what you've realized and apply it to a true circumstance, proposing an answer for a real issue you confront in your place of business. Proceed; show everybody what you can .

Bachelor of Science Accounting - Sierra Nevada College (Incline Village, NV)

Degree Overview 

Four year education in science Accounting 

Acquire your undergrad bookkeeping degree online from WGU Nevada, a licensed, philanthropic, online school. The B.S. in bookkeeping will empower you to set your insight and abilities in money related and cost bookkeeping, duty bookkeeping, examining, and other bookkeeping zones. Subsequent to achieving your web bookkeeping degree, you will end up being a capable bookkeeper with the information and aptitudes expected to pick up an appeal position, for example, staff bookkeeper, charge bookkeeper, or inspector. 

Understudies inspired by open bookkeeping and gaining the CPA accreditation are urged to acquire the B.S. in Accounting took after by the Master of Accounting (MAcc). This methodology permits qualified understudies to meet the 150 semester hours required to sit for the CPA exam in many states. (Prerequisites for CPA licensure shift by state.) 

Who the Program Is For: 

Set up bookkeepers or clerks who require a B.S. in bookkeeping to propel their professions. 

People who wish to dispatch a profession as a bookkeeper in a corporate setting and need the preparation and certifications to open entryways. 

People who have finished some school coursework or have material work experience. 

People who can regularly burn through 15 or more hours for each week on their studies. 

This project will be adaptable and versatile to your timetable. Click here to figure out how this system functions. 

What You'll Learn 

Vital Knowledge and Skills 

This project fuses all the crucial abilities and learning and a perceived industry accreditation as a major aspect of your degree program. You will concentrate on for and complete the CompTIA® Project+ affirmation exam (incorporated into the expense of educational cost—a tremendous expense funds for you). 

The project requires a sum of 120 Competency Units (CUs), which are WGU Nevada credit counterparts. In the event that you've taken courses or gotten a degree from another school or college, you may have the capacity to clear some of these prerequisites through exchange cred