
Psychology - Eastern Mennonite University


What makes you tick? Why do a few people carry on as they do? How does society influence us? Brain research majors at EMU think about inquiries like this and blend true involvement with classroom study with master profs. 
Amid your learn at EMU you'll research human conduct with courses in irregular, psychological, formative, identity and social brain science. All through the system you will apply your insight with commonsense encounters. A highlight of this major is the senior capstone temporary job in nearby group administration offices. 

True Preparation 
At EMU, we will likely make learning encounters that best set you up for your vocation objectives. With the help of your counselor you have the chance to modify your major with interdisciplinary courses in music, peacebuilding, or the sciences so you will be all around arranged to go into projects or employments that attention on directing, showing or research post-graduation. 

Under the direction of your teacher, you'll chip away at gathering activities and behavior mental examinations. You will find that as you advance through you're course work, your teachers will likewise urge you to seek after individual Christian development in mindfulness, social communication and human administration.


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