
philosophy - Northwest Missouri State University



A Philosophy major furnishes understudies with the rich history of the western philosophical custom and estimations of free, fair-minded and taught request. 

As a theory significant at Northwest, you pick up aptitudes in basic thinking and clear expression that incorporates with various fields through Northwest's interdisciplinary electives. The major spotlights on five center zones: morals, rationale, history of theory, epistemology and power. Morals is the models' investigation of right versus wrong activity; rationale portrays the principal tenets in regards to thinking; history of logic backtracks 2500 years examining the philosophical developments from the old world to the present day; epistemology is the hypothesis of information, legitimization and the prerequisites of conviction; and mysticism talks about the main impetuses of reality. 

Minor in Philosophy 
A minor in rationality gives the central information of rationale, history of theory, epistemology and mysticism. Understudies build their aptitudes in discriminating imagining that are applicable in any profession. This minor is gainful for understudies needing to propel their training to graduate or graduate school, and have customarily scored higher GRE, GMAT or LSAT than other minor projects. This minor requires the fruition of 18 credit hours. 


100% of understudies who moved on from Northwest with a degree in theory acquired occupation or proceeded with their training inside of six months after graduation. 

  • The accompanying is a posting of regular positions for graduates with a theory major: 
  • Documents/Collections Director 
  • Law 
  • Historical center Director 
  • Social Resource Management 
  • For a rundown of past occupation arrangements by year, veiw the position reports » 

*Based on self-reported information lately


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