
Williams College (Williamstown, MA)

Williams College

"The mission of Academic Resources is to assist understudies with going past SUCCEEDING at Williams, to THRIVING at Williams." 

Scholastic Resources is various administrations and projects that dwell in different areas on grounds intended to backing understudies' scholarly and scholarly engagement and to assist them with exploiting the educational programs. Our objective and higher reason for existing is to assist understudies with investigating and exploit Williams' instructive/scholarly chances of living and learning.

Programs & Services 
The Math & Science Resource Center (MSRC) 
The Peer Tutor Program 
Study Skills Corps 
Handicap Support Services (DSS) 
Learning Opportunities 
Access to coach preparing 
Apply to tutor and/or study bunches 
Sign up to be a coach 
Orchestrate one-on-one sessions for Study Skills (Reading, Notetaking, Test Taking, Time Management) 
Register for a propelled perusing & study technique program 
Apply for Disability Support Services and Accommodations .

On their way to a four year certification in liberal arts degree, Williams understudies significant in a center region of study (like Chinese or natural arrangement). Rather than scholastic minors, we have fixations, which are groupings of courses around specific themes that draw from numerous offices and orders (like psychological science, which has components of brain research, software engineering, logic, math, and the sky is the limit from there). Still different open doors exist for understudies to seek after rising fields, take uncommon classes, add to their own particular majors, and tune in experiential instruction or off-grounds study. 

While there are no required courses at Williams, all understudies take a slightest three in expressions and humanities, three in sociologies, and three in science and arithmetic. All understudies likewise take no less than two written work serious courses and one course to enhance their capacity to reason scientifically and uniquely. Keeping in mind Williams has no formal dialect necessity, we require that all understudies investigate taking so as to differ qualities no less than one course that looks at how gatherings, societies, and social orders associate with, and move, each other.

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